now the most important and sad thing during the whole county is the earthquake happening in qinghai province yushu city.目前举国上下最紧要(令人伤感,充满悲恸)的事情就是发生在青海省玉树县的地震。
it is not long away from the wenchuan earthquark , haiti earthquark and all the scenes made us feel close but sorry.想想在之前不久刚刚发生的汶川地震和刚刚过去的海地大地震,这一幕一幕,让人不胜寒嘘。
some people is saved but some died for ever, some lose family and some lose health.the natural disaster is cruel but actual which made us scared but contemplative.有些人被救,而有些人永远的离开了这
这次地震发生在距昆仑断裂带以南约300公里(186英里)的玉树地区。(joozone note:在这里yushu也可以拼做:yunshu)。玉树地区是“玉树-甘孜-鲜水河断裂带”的一部分,它是西藏东部最活跃的断裂带之一。历史上,大量的超过七级的地震都发生在鲜水河断裂带,比如,1923年3月24日,在炉霍地区发生的7.25级地震,和1973年2月6日在炉霍地区发生的ms 7.6级地震。
almost all sections of the xianshuihe fault zone have produced strong earthquakes in records, except the sections of yushu and shimian (石棉). however, a trace of a strong earthquake occurred about 16 000 or 17 000 years ago has been found in shimian. hence, the shimian section of the xianshuihe fault zone is speculated to be currently locked and have the possibility of producing strong earthquake in the future.据史料记载,除玉树和石棉之外,几乎所有的发生在鲜水河断裂带的地震都非常的强烈。然而,在石棉县发生的一次强烈地震被发现,此次地震发生在约16万或17万年前。因此,鲜水河断裂带的石棉县地带已经被锁定为在未来可能会产生强震。